The game contains scene of extreme violence, gore, sexual violence and drug usage. If you are sensitive to such subjects, it is advised not to play the game.
Four playable characters approach the dungeons of Fear & Hunger, each have their own motivations for travelling to the dungeons, & all of them begin their descent.
Those entering the dungeons include a Mercenary, a Knight, a Dark Priest, and an Outlander. Their lives so far dictate their skills, and equiment. Choose their past wisely!
The Mercenary is known as Cahara of the South. He has the Endless soul type, & comes from the Eastern Sanctuaries capital city- Jettaiah.
Orphaned at a young age, Cahara has no real ties to any place, or anyone- with the exception of his wife, Celeste.
Looking to provide the riches to give his wife, & their soon-to-be child, a comfortable life, Cahara accepted a mission to locate a certain someone who is being held within the dungeons of Fear & Hunger.
The Knight is known as D'arce Cataliss. She has the Domination soul type, & comes from the Kingdom of Rondon, as a member of the Knights of the Midnight Sun.
Coming from a noble family, D'arce trained to become a knight from her childhood. However, she progressively grew disillusioned with the greedy actions of her kingdom, and joined the Knights of the Midnight Sun.
Her captain has been captured and placed in the dungeons of Fear & Hunger, leading D'arce to take up a solo rescue mission in order to ensure her captain's safety.
The Dark Priest is known as Enki Ankarian. He has the Enlightened soul type, & comes from the country of Europa, as a member of the Dark Priesthood.
Being a Dark Priest, Enki worships and studies all of the old Gods, dedicating his life & priority to studying their ways since he was very young; having won the position from his twin sister.
After learning of a man prophesied to bring about a new era for mankind, Enki traveled to the dungeons of Fear & Hunger, aiming to locate this man and inquire about his role in the spotlight of the Gods.
The Outlander is known as Ragnvaldr. He has the Tormented soul type, & comes from the Northern Kingdom of OldegÄrd, as the only surviving member from his village.
After a journey to Vinland with his fellow warriors, the crew returned with only the Cube of the Depths to show for their efforts. Possession of this ancient object made Ragnvaldr's village a target, and they were attacked; leaving Ragnvaldr as the only survivor.
Years later, after hearing of the man who orchestrated the attack, Ragnvaldr has traveled to the dungeons of Fear & Hunger to find, and kill him, in order to exact vengeance.
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger was created with the RPGMAker engine, by a developer known as Miro Haverinen, published by Happy Paintings. It was initially released on December 11th, 2018, & its sequel known as Fear & Hunger: Termina was released on December 9th, 2022.
Soul types
Fear & Hunger features something known as a soul type, although we don't know much about the specific traits of each soul type, we do know that come the modern era of its sequel- Fear & Hunger: Termina- soul types are regarded similary to Zodiac signs.
The soul types we are aware of are as follows:
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The Gods
In this world, there is no one unified religion, though the overarching deities can be divided up into two categories: old Gods & new Gods.
While plenty groups of people, places & practices are dedicated to one God in particular; there is not one universal religion.
Old Gods will be listed first, and the New Gods will follow after them.
Gro'Goroth, known as the destroyer of men, is identified as the God of Destruction. Despite his title, however, Gro'Goroth is not classically evil, & is instead described in texts written of him to be curious- along with not wanting to scare humans he encounters.
Because of this, it is said that Gro'Goroth walks the earth hidden in human skin, in order to observe humans without creating fear.
Studies of Gro'Goroth
To give room for new generations, for new trees to grow and usher - the prior forest needs to be burnt down. Such is the rule of creation. Creation and Destruction, one does not exist without the other. The destruction is called Gro'Goroth, the destroyer of men.
A man fears destruction. Because a man gets accustomed to peace and quiet. The man grows fat and afraid of change. But change is inevitable, just as is Gro'Goroth. But there is no need for fear. As the destruction is of pure kind. It does not target one man specifically. It just exists.
Interesting note on Gro'Goroth - he is curious kind. More so than many of the other older gods. To relieve the feeling of fear, Gro'Goroth wears bodies and skin of men and women alike.
He might still be walking among us, masked under the skin of people and hanging bodies, blessing us with his blood magic.
Sylvian, known as the Goddess of love and fertility, is also identified as the Goddess of Creation. While Sylvian was responsible for the creation of mankind, she did not create their image. Rather, she only breathed life into the illustration of man from another Old God, known as Vitruvia.
She loves mankind, as they were drawn in her image, however as time passed Sylvian began to learn that her creations could never love her, as much as she loved them.
Studies of Sylvian
Sylvian is the Goddess of love, lust and creation.
She created men and women at the dawn of time. From the very first moments she loved her children greatly. Over time her love blossomed into a more obsessive form & she would try to guide her children more & more. Once she realized her children would never be able to return the same amount of affection back to her, her love took a more twisted form.
Sylvian would shape mankind more to her liking and more into her own image with her gift to people - the Love Magic, otherwise known as the Flower Magic. For a brief moment in ancient history, mankind fell into a craze of fleshly delights. As a synchronized mass, a sea of naked people in the middle of coitus would pulsate & waste away their days.
There are still cults dedicated to Sylvian to this day, but many believe she left mankind behind a long time ago.
Originally a mortal man, All-mer was born in the city of Jettaiah in the Eastern Sanctuaries. Supposedly raised by a virgin mother, with an absent False God father, All-mer rose to popularity through his teachings in the Eastern Sanctuaries.
Upon his execution via crucifixtion by threatened kings and cultans of the Eastern Sanctuaries, surrounded by his mourning Apostles, All-mer ascended to Ma'habre and became an Old God.
Studies of All-mer
All-mer is the Ascended One, and Savior of Mankind.
Born from humble origins of a virgin mother. Human origin with the seed laid down by a false god. A god walking amongst men. Alll-mer would gather 12 apostles from his most trusted companions. Together they were to bring back the old world order. Kings and sultans of the time would not stand idle when a man of undeniable god-like posture came down to their golden city gates. Instead they would capture Alll-mer. The newborn god would be nailed onto a cross, arms spread wide - and be left for the crows to feast on.
But Alll-mer was to ascend. Arms still widespread from the cross he would soar. Becoming the symbol we know of today. Turning his cross-ridden posture into something greater. A symbol of hope and domination. Spending three days and night at the city of the gods, Ma'havre, he would return among men.
With his mourning 11 apostles he would murder the kings and sultans of the time - as was just. Bringing back the old world order.